Simple Iphone Advice To Help You Better Understand The Product

Many people are interested in purchasing an iPhone, but are not sure how to use one. There is plenty of information available to help anyone new to the iPhone. Keep reading to learn all the great things you can do with an iPhone.

Getting lost is a thing of the past if you have an iPhone with you. The integrated map and gps function allow you to use your wireless service to pinpoint where you are, and where you are going. The iPhone's mapping abilities make it easy to track down a new destination or find your way back to familiar ground.

Use rice to dry out a wet iPhone. There are many ways you may get your phone wet, such as puddles or toilets. Use a paper towel to wipe the phone, then place it in a rice packed bag. Use this as an alternative to a hair dryer. Then dry it out overnight, or at the bare minimum for several hours.

When travelling through the web using the iPhone, you never have to worry about including the ".com" after the web address. The phone will recognize the website when you type in its main name. The small amount of time you save can add up over thousands of searches.

Location-based reminders can be set by using Siri. You can tell Siri to remind you to do something at a specific time. So instead of having Siri remind you to call somewhere at 6 p.m., you can instead have her remind you when you get home. This adds another layer of customization to your iPhone. Now the phone will be able to detect when you're at home instead of relying on the time. That way, if you have no idea when you will reach home, you are still going to have a reminder.

Make an application from any site you visit regularly. Load the website on your iPhone. Press the "Go" button when you get to the website. Here, you'll see the choice to add the website as an icon on your home screen. On your home screen, you can then rename the page to whatever you'd like it to be.

In order to get access to your email messages quickly, hook your accounts up to your iPhone. This will allow you to see your emails immediately. You can put multiple email accounts or only the one that you use the most.

You don't need to tap the X to eliminate the suggestion box that appears when typing if it is annoying you. The suggestion will be dismissed if you give a tap on any part of the screen.

If you are someone that places a high value on privacy, think twice before using Siri. Siri quickly records and stores all of your important voice prompts on an internally hosted server. This is done because it helps the speech recognition program work better, but remember that it also records everything that you say when using the Siri app.

You know have a basic working knowledge about iPhones. Employing these kinds of tricks can make you a more efficient iPhone user and make you eager to learn more ways to use your phone. Stick to the information here and soon you'll be showing all your friends the nifty little tricks you picked up here.


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